Monday, September 8, 2008
Fox Attacks!

Monday, September 1, 2008
The Greatest Event EVER!

a frozen soco and lime. Not to mention the hamburger Jose (above) made me today that was smothered in some B-B-Q sauce he purchased at the rib cookoff. I think I might have met my rib quota for the year...but I can't wait for next year. (Aussom Aussies are the best and always will be in my book.)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Is That Mark Summers?
We almost didn't go to the Kiluea Fish Market for lunch today. But, Matt decided he really wanted some poke (pronounced "pokey") which is raw ago marinated in soy sauce. So, we went. As Matt ate his poke salad and I my teriyaki barbeque chicken, I hear this annoying man talking to another, quieter man. No big deal right? Well, probably because this man was pretty annoying, I began paying closer and closer attention to them. Glancing at the quieter man, I say to Matt, "he looks alot like Mark Summers from the food network last night". Now, the quiet man speaks and holy crap...Its Mark Summers!!! That was the last thing we expected to find at the fish market!!!! Another thing we found was some AMAZING ahi. Matt says it's the best he's EVER had. That was our exciting thing for today. Tomorrow is our 3rd anniversary and we celebrate with a helicopter tour of the island. Pictures to come!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Kalalau Valley
We drove to the end of Waimea Canyon Rd. and this is what we found, Kalaulau Valley. According to our snorkeling captain, this was the location of the largest native Kauaiian colony. This was years ago though, long before the island was discovered by foriegners. We took a mile hike (oneway) to the far side of the top of the mountain. It wasn't too bad until it started getting really muddy and almost vertical ascent. We made it though! We came back and promptly ate 2 PB&Js each. It's been a great vacation so far...and the best part is it's only half over!!! Yay for another week on Kauai!
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
I present to you the wild rooster/chicken. You read correct, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of wild chickens on the island of Kauai. It is actually a fineable offense to hit one with your car!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
The girl who looks topless is me, and no I am not really topless, I am wearing a bikini top. I assure you all modesty has not gone out the Hawaiian grass window. We were driving through a town called Kapa'a on our way back from Ke'e beach and Hanalei, when we saw what looked like a farmers market. We decided to check it out and it turned out to be a hula competition. And with usual Hastings style, we walked in on the "visitors" hula competition which both Matt and I were promptly chosen to participate in. I think Matt faired pretty well, but I did not. Needless to say, we both lost, but it did prepare us for the luau later that night. (Where I was chosen yet again to dance, luckily not on stage. Matt was not as lucky and had to dance a Tahitian hula for men up on stage during the show...laughing may be inserted here. But seriously, he did very well and I have video as evidence!!)
Friday, August 1, 2008
Wailua Falls
Today we drove up to these beautiful falls. We also found a hidden, overgrown path that takes you to the edge of the falls. Of course we took a picture of each of us by the edge, just not with the iPhone. We also went to Lydgate State Park and did some free snorkeling. We saw some beautiful fish. I think I saw Dori from Finding Nemo. After that we both got a tasty beverage from the hotel poolside bar and soaked up some rays while napping at the pool. Vacations rock!!!! As usual, the really fantastic pictures are coming later when we can download the camera!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Snorkeling Hastings'!
To explain why these pictures aren't fantabulous...we didn't bring a computer, so all postings are done via email while in Hawaii, and the only way for us to do so is on the iPhone. This requires the picture to be taken with the iPhone. So the great pictures that we took while snorkeling this morning cannot be posted to my dismay, but they are coming, rest assured! However unfortunate, we had an amazing time snorkeling and sight seeing. We saw sea turtles, spinner dolphins, and flying fish. We also saw the phenomenal Napali Coast that is only accessable by boat or helicopter. No worries folks, we have plenty of pictures and even some short dolphin videos to come when we get back stateside. We miss everyone, but this vacation has been outstanding this far! More to come, so stay tuned!
Our Hotel
Sorry for the delay on a blog, but frankly I've been too busy sittin' on the beach drinkin mai tais. But, here is the first of many pictures from Kauai. We were walking back from getting an "Hawaiian Ice" across the street and I took this picture from the courtyard at our hotel. Yes, that is the ocean in the background. We can't swim off the beach at our hotel unfortunately, because the undertow is severe. But, we are very much enjoying our time here. But, stay tuned for more to come from various parts of Kauai, Hawaii!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Low and behold, our home for the next two weeks. Yes, 2 count 'em, 2 glorious weeks. Now don't be too jealous. There will definitely be more pictures to come, only taken from my camera, not just some stranger at a website! So, you can live vicariously through me...it'll be great, you'll see. Check back for more from Kauai!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Jessi's New Do (a la Reno)
For Jessi's 22nd Birthday, I got her a makeover...I think its fairly obvious from her face that she loves her new look. Its almost as if it gives her an extra boost of confidence. And rightfully so!


Oh, and she donated all that lovely hair to "locks of love." Which hits close to home, with our mom being a breast cancer survivor...GO MOM!
Theresa's New Do!

Sunday, June 29, 2008
So Ashamed!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Escargo Garden

So, as I was pulling up the massive amount of overgrown plants in our front flower garden, I found some interesting creatures. Originally, I encountered the typical roley poley and a slough of ugly, white-butt spiders, the occasional daddy long-leg, and some earth worms. But, low and behold, hidden under the overgrown plants under the flower bush, were two snails, each about 2 inches long when moving.

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Matt's Home Away From Home
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Lake Tahoe Kayak Extraordinaires!
We decided to go kayaking up at Tahoe the last time Matt was home. It was a ton of fun until the wind picked up and started causing swells in the lake. This pic shows us stopping on a peninsula for our subway sandwiches. I love this picture, but Matt thinks the life jacket looks like it was made for a 2-year-old. I just laugh...it kinda does! But seriously, in those 6 inch swells, that jacket could have saved his life!!!!
I swear she did this on her own!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Is that a Giant bottle of So Co?

For those of you who can't see, yes, that is a giant bottle of Southern Comfort in the background. It's our favorite thing to do on Labor Day weekend in Reno, the Rib Cook-Off (not the giant bottle of so co...we're not lushes!). If you happen to make it to this fabulous event, make sure you make it to the Australian booth, theirs are the best!
Hastings...the City!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Snowflake or Angel?
So, what are the odds that a snowflake would fall at precisely the right time to reflect the light from the flash of the camera? Some would say its a sign, others would say coincidence. I would like to think it was a divine coincidence. Just a friendly reminder that Someone is up there. Whether it was divine or chance, it still made me think, if only for a moment.
Trip to Yosemite
Now, to all our family and friends, I promise we had NO IDEA that the storm of the century was coming in on the same weekend that we booked our trip to Yosemite. I thought this picture best showed the conditions going over the Sierra's into California that fateful January weekend. The rest were simply sheets of white! What you can see of the road is actually a sheet of ice about 2-3 inches thick. Our only saving grace was the chains (that destroyed the underside of the truck's wheel wells!). We made it to Yosemite safe and sound and enjoyed every minute of it! (The usual 4 hour drive only took us 12!) Below are some pictures we took while at Yosemite. There's a deer that I actually got REALLY close to...thought he was gonna charge me. Then Yosemite Falls and a bobcat wandering across the open field in Yosemite Valley.

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