Saturday, August 2, 2008


The girl who looks topless is me, and no I am not really topless, I am wearing a bikini top. I assure you all modesty has not gone out the Hawaiian grass window. We were driving through a town called Kapa'a on our way back from Ke'e beach and Hanalei, when we saw what looked like a farmers market. We decided to check it out and it turned out to be a hula competition. And with usual Hastings style, we walked in on the "visitors" hula competition which both Matt and I were promptly chosen to participate in. I think Matt faired pretty well, but I did not. Needless to say, we both lost, but it did prepare us for the luau later that night. (Where I was chosen yet again to dance, luckily not on stage. Matt was not as lucky and had to dance a Tahitian hula for men up on stage during the show...laughing may be inserted here. But seriously, he did very well and I have video as evidence!!)

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