Sunday, June 8, 2008

Trip to Yosemite

Now, to all our family and friends, I promise we had NO IDEA that the storm of the century was coming in on the same weekend that we booked our trip to Yosemite. I thought this picture best showed the conditions going over the Sierra's into California that fateful January weekend. The rest were simply sheets of white! What you can see of the road is actually a sheet of ice about 2-3 inches thick. Our only saving grace was the chains (that destroyed the underside of the truck's wheel wells!). We made it to Yosemite safe and sound and enjoyed every minute of it! (The usual 4 hour drive only took us 12!) Below are some pictures we took while at Yosemite. There's a deer that I actually got REALLY close to...thought he was gonna charge me. Then Yosemite Falls and a bobcat wandering across the open field in Yosemite Valley.

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