Monday, September 8, 2008

Fox Attacks!

I came across this interesting website...check it out and decide for yourself what you think. It is thought invoking, provoking and inciting to say the least. It really makes you wonder how reliable our "trusted" news sources are. We expect US Weekly, People, and the like to skew the truth...but our main news channels? It's slightly disturbing...but, you decide for yourself.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Greatest Event EVER!

John Ascuaga's Nugget holds the single greatest event in Nevada...the Rib Cookoff. It occupied so much of my time this week. I ended up going Wednesday night, Thursday night, and Saturday afternoon. However, I was given ribs at work on Thursday afternoon and Friday afternoon. So I added it up, I have eaten 4 racks of ribs, 1 chocolate dipped frozen banana on a stick, 1 chocolate dipped frozen strawberries and bananas on a stick, an ear of corn (fabulous), a huge onion ring, a strawberry-banana-mango smoothie, 2 large fresh squeezed lemonades, and
a frozen soco and lime. Not to mention the hamburger Jose (above) made me today that was smothered in some B-B-Q sauce he purchased at the rib cookoff. I think I might have met my rib quota for the year...but I can't wait for next year. (Aussom Aussies are the best and always will be in my book.)